Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Going To The Gym

 When I went on Medicare in 2023, (yeah, I'm that old) one of the benefits was a free gym membership through Silver & Fit, so I chose a gym local to me, that my daughter worked at the time.

She put my membership under my non de plume, and instructed me not to tell anyone there that I was her dad. Okay, fine. The only one that knew was the trainer she set me up with for a free introductory session.

When she left a couple of months after that, I let the cat out of the bag and told a couple of other people.

I am a person of habit, and if I keep doing something, I'll stick with it. A former manager once told me that it takes 21 days to form a new habit, and in this case it is true.

My days off for many years were Tuesday and Friday, so I made it a point to go to the gym on those days, and after a while, I started to go on Sunday as well. I like to get there around 11 AM, and work out for at least an hour. I'll get on the stationary bike for 20-30 minutes, and then go over to the weight machines.

I am not 25 anymore, (though my mind thinks I am) so I don't go crazy with the weights. Most machines I'll set to 45-60 pounds, and do 3 sets of 20 reps. There are a couple of machines I can't use, because of what is called "frozen shoulder." Both were affected years ago after my back surgery when I used a walker, then a cane. While I didn't have pain when I was using them, it was soon after that I gave them up that the pain happened.

Physical therapy helped, but I never fully recovered, and my right shoulder will never be at full strength.

About 2 years ago, I got my second shingles shot in my left shoulder, and boy did it hurt! That caused frozen shoulder, and yet more PT. 

So I have to stay away from several machines simply because they hurt to much. There are plenty of machines that I can use and an hour is enough time to get a full workout in.

One thing I have noticed at the gym is that people really don't talk to each other. There are friends working out together, but there's no conversations going on between strangers.

I was hoping to make a friend or two, and find a work out buddy. Unfortunately that hasn't happened, and I don't see it happening anytime soon.

No matter what, I've enjoyed my time there, and hope to keep it going.

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