Friday, September 6, 2024

A Lost Vacation

( The Royal Dockyard at night)

There is NOTHING worse than getting sick before going on vacation. In my case, I got Covid-19 five days before my wife and I were going on a cruise. It hit me like a ton of bricks, and I was down for the count.

I knew the only way I was going to be able to see a doctor and get a prescription for Paxlovid was to do a virtual visit. I got lucky, and saw a doctor I had seen once before. She was very helpful, and ordered the prescription to my local CVS.

But wait, there's more! I was coughing and sneezing, and out comes my favorite thing, the dreaded green phlegm and mucous. I'm lucky my doctor gave me a prescription for Zpack just in case I got sick ON the cruise. Who would have thought I'd get sick before the cruise?

The next thing we had to do was get me off the cruise, and get my daughter on it. It took two days of back and forth, but it finally happened. The people at Direct Cruise Lines were very helpful and went out of their way to make it happen. 

It cost us an additional $50 but it was better than not going at all. 

Now I have to unpack, and then crawl back into bed since I feel pretty lousy. 

Who would have thought I would get Covid and an upper respiratory infection at the same time? I never get a simple cold. It's always a URI or bronchitis.

Here's wishing my girls a great trip!

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