Saturday, November 2, 2024

 Mice Aren't Really Cute

About 11 years ago, we had a bit of a mouse problem. They seemed to be coming in from somewhere in the kitchen, and we had an exterminator come up, and for $400 he did a thermal scan of the house, and plugged up some holes with steel wool. 

Daphne the cat turned out to be a great mouser, and presented us with her catches. Sometimes we would find them under the bed, ugh.

But she ridded the house of them, and was quite proud of herself for doing that. You could tell how happy she was by the expression on her face.

So here we are again with a mouse problem, but this time they are in the basement. How are they getting in? I have no idea. I did put some steel wool outside under the back door and the side of the new porch to plug up some openings, so hopefully that will help.

My wife says she found droppings on the stove, but I haven't. You would figure with 3 cats, they would have caught some, but that hasn't happened yet.

I have set numerous glue traps in the basement, and they have done their job. I won't go into detail what I have done afterwards.

I just ordered some reusable traps and bait from Amazon, and am going out shortly to get more glue traps. The traps will go outside, and also inside, most likely in the bottom kitchen cabinets.

While I love Mickey Mouse, I hate these little mice that are invading the house.

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